When to Get Tested
Weight Test- once in a month
Blood Pressure-
(a) High blood pressure patients- once in a month
(b) normal patient – once in six months
Blood Sugar (Fasting)/ Blood Sugar (PP)
a) Patients who are dependent on insulin once a week (8 am to 8 pm).
b) Patients who are on controlled diet once a month (8 am to 8 pm)
Urinary Ketones – If blood sugar level is 300 mg/dL
Glucosylated Hemoglobin – once in three months
lipid profile – once a year
Serum Creatinine and Urea – once a year
Serum Microalbumin Urea – once a year
E.C.G. – once a year
Retinal Eye Examination – once a year
Foot Check – Daily
In some cases, considering the condition and need of the patient, the above tests should be done in consultation with the doctor.