Tests for Diabetes
Blood Glucose Test
A blood test should be done in the morning on an empty stomach, two hours after the meal, and in the evening before the meal (without stopping the medicine). If diabetes is not under control, then a blood sugar test should be done in a day or two, or as per requirement. This test is necessary once a month if diabetes is under control.
Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1C)
This test shows the average control over the last 3 months. This test must be done once every 6 months. Normal Level: 5.7% or less Risk Level: 5.7–6.4% Diabetes: 6.5% or more.
Cardiac Checkup
A diabetic patient is more likely to have a heart attack and other risks like cardiac failure and an abnormal heartbeat than a normal person. Patients with diabetes can have a heart attack even without pain. It is necessary that the patient get a chest X-ray, ECG, echocardiography, and T.M.T. done in 6 months to 1 year, even if there is no disease.
Renal Function Test
Kidneys can be seriously affected by diabetes. In kidney disease, there is swelling in the body, and the patient’s blood pressure starts increasing. The presence of albumin in the urine is an early sign of kidney disease. It can be detected early by checking the level of microalbumin in the urine. An increase in the amount of urea or creatinine in the blood is a sign of the progress of the disease. To prevent diabetic nephropathy, procedures like dialysis or kidney transplants have to be resorted to when the kidneys are completely damaged. Although it is a safe procedure, it is necessary to take precautions. These checks should be done once a year.
Eye Checkup & Fundus
Get your eyes checked from time to time.This test is necessary for children. If you see symptoms like pain in the eyes, dark spots, see a doctor immediately. Diabetic patients should get their eyes checked at least once a year and wear glasses only when blood sugar is under control.
Lipid Profile Test
In patients with diabetes, the main reason for heart attack, paralysis, blood pressure, kidney disease, eye damage is the increase or deterioration of some types of cholesterol. It can be detected by lipid profile tests and cholesterol can be controlled with medicine.